Typing Master Pro

Typing Master Pro is a professional typing tutor that helps you double your typing speed. Learn to type with the blazing fast touch typing system in just a few lessons. As a result you will save hours and hours of time!


Five comprehensive courses - The five typing courses cover the whole keyboard - including special marks, numeric keypad - and help you to accelerate your typing speed.

Multi-form exercises - The visual keyboard drills, timed texts, games and dynamic reviews will get you in the flow and keep you engaged.

Advanced feedback and tips - Get instructive feedback on your progress and difficulties as well as personal learning tips.

Professional typing tests - Test your typing speed with a professional timed tests and view your results with a detailed report.

Illustrated statistics - Follow your progress with graphical long-term statistics.

Optimized duration - The duration of each exercise is based on your progress in accuracy and speed.

Personal accuracy goal - Set a personal accuracy goal level for the entire course.

Smart review - Let TypingMaster keep track of your problem keys and help you improve your skills with personalized review exercises.

TypingMaster Satellite - Let the Satellite analyze your typing in other programs for tailored training and typing statistics.

Support for multiple users - Multiple users can easily improve with TypingMaster using the personal study profiles.

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