Photo RAR for WinRAR 2009

Photo RAR specializes in compressing digital images because this special type of files cannot be well compressed by usual file compression utilities. Photo RAR, based on our Advanced JPEG Compressor technology is able to well compress images in many source graphic formats.It makes JPEG image files and can use WinRAR to create a RAR archive file from one or many JPEG image files. You can use Photo RAR as a standalone application as well as an add-on to WinRAR.Photo RAR can reduce file size impressively - without any loss of quality. Smaller files take less space and can be uploaded and downloaded more quickly: effectively optimize photos for faster downloading from the Web, faster e-mail smaller image files - avoiding exceeding size limits - and compress scanned documents for storage or transferal.

Photo RAR can easily change the size of your digital photos. Resize them to any specified dimension or file size you need: thumbnails, photos for a web site, auction pictures, ads, web graphics, for job tasks, etc.Rotate and crop photos, fix red eyes, add text or graphic watermarks and modify color levels, saturation, contrast or sharpness. Use advanced noise removing filters, EXIF options and more.With its ability to retain original picture quality,c is a must for processing your digital photos.
Take Photo RAR for WinRAR for a test drive to see just how useful it can be for you!

  • Original picture QUALITY is preserved by our advanced, hi-end algorithms and technology
  • JPEG Compression Engine wiits wide choice options and abilities easily allows you to get any JPEG file size you desire. Specially optimized for higher picture quality. Minimizes possible quality loss and / or avoids extra re-compression
  • Photo editing options include rotate, crop, fix red eyes, add text or graphic watermarks, change color levels, saturation, contrast, sharpness and more. The ability to make all of these photo processing options keeping the original image quality
  • Profiles considerably improve the processing of multiple images the same way. A profile contains the most important compression parameters, along wiresizing and photo correction options. You can create, save, edit and apply named profiles
  • Batch processing mode lets you easily process multiple images. You can choose the profile, renaming and other options to process a selected group of photos. The optional Individual Batch Processing mode lets you make particular changes to each image from the batch

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